
My journey at 50

Published: May 28, 2014
So the question was what to blog about?

I am sure many of you are working on the same journey as I am. I turned 50 last year, peri menopausal, gained weight, hormones are crazy but I choose not to let it beat me.So I thought I would share my journey in the hopes that it will inspire others.
I decided about a year ago to work on myself. I am now taking Usana essential vitamins and antioxidants and am feeling pretty good.
Then I met a chiropractor which I had been seeing for about a year. I went faithfully every 2 weeks for a long time. I am happy to say my back feels great now.
So onto the next pain which is my knee. I hurt it about 7 years ago and it has never been the same. So when I exercise my knee swells and it is tight. I have just started to go to physio so I will keep you posted on how that goes.
What I am finding is we have to be persistent and consistent in our journey to being healthy and fit. I have incorporated more of a healthy eating plan with a Usana protein shake for breakfast in which I add fruit, seeds such as pumpkin, flax, sesame, chia, hemp, ice and water and mix it up for a nutritious breakfast that is fast, easy and I can take it to go. It also keeps me full until lunch which I usually have some kind of salad with chicken or fish and for dinner some kind of protein (meat, fish, chicken) and veggies.
I have joined Oxygen hot yoga in Cloverdale and have been doing at least 3 classes a week since March 31, 2014. They have many levels and I just go to the level 1 class until I gain more strength and flexibility. I have tried other yoga studios but this is the only one I have stuck with. With the dry heat it warms me from the inside out.
I also bought an elliptical machine as it is easier on the knee’s and I can do 20 to 30 minutes on my off yoga days. Today I did 30 minutes on the fat burning setting and burned 326 calories and went 2.6 miles. I thought that was pretty good, now I will see how it has affected my knee later today.
Like any new habit or changes to our lifestyle it takes time for it to become normal and a true part of our life. So be kind to yourself and start with one thing. You don’t need to go to classes or have machines just start something new that will take you in the direction you want to go.
 If you need some encouragement I am here for you.

Everything you need to know Before buying or selling a mobile home

Published: February 22, 2013
What you need to know about mobile home (manufactured home) BEFORE you buy or sell:

1) A manufactured home cannot be sold or moved unless it is registered with the Manufactured Home Registry.

2) Used manufactured homes MUST display a label provided by the appropriate provincial safety manager, In BC, that’s known as the silver label, indicating approval by the BC Safety Authority (BCSA) In other words if you cannot find the label, it has been removed, painted over or sided over etc. One will need to obtained by a licensed electrical contractor.

3) There is a cost involved and it will depend on any repairs required. It takes 2 electricians and a better part of the day to do this job. It is usually about $1500.00 plus any repairs if there are any.

4) It is a good selling feature though as now all the electrical has been checked and if there was anything wrong or not working it will have been repaired. Giving a buyer piece of mind.

5) I have full details about the procedure and who to call to have this done if you need help with it.

6) When changing cupboards in your mobile make sure you keep the cupboard with the details of the home on it. It includes the registration number, CSA number, make and model and year it was manufactured. Newer homes will have the CSA number on the electrical panel. If it is a older home sometimes the CSA sticker was on the outside of the home next to the front or back door.

7) Manufactured homes can be purchased in many parks in the lower mainland. Many of the parks you will have a pad rent anywhere from $425.00 per month to $850.00 depending where they are.

8) You can purchase a manufactured home that you own the land, you will initially pay more for the home but a very low maintenance fee of $85.00 per month.

9) I would definitely suggest you have a home inspection on your manufactured home as there can be many unforeseen problems, especially when they are older.

10) Manufactured homes can be a good investment and great community to live in. If you are looking for a home and need some advice I know lots about them and would love to work with you.